Medical Tourism

Upper Eyelid Surgery

This procedure can be provided by


Preparing for the procedure.

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    Abstain from alcohol/smoking for at least one week.
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    Refrain from taking any medication in the aspirin group, and any supplements that affect blood-clotting at least two weeks before the procedure.
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    Should notify physician of any chronic, underlying disease (eg. breast cancer, auto-immune disease, etc.) and psychological disease (eg. depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, etc.), and any history of drug allergies.
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    Fast six hours before the procedure, and also wash your hair and body beforehand.
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    Having a personal caretaker with you is highly recommended, and avoid driving any vehicles post-procedure.
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    Avoid wearing hard-to-remove makeup or any makeup at all on the day of the procedure.

Post-procedure recovery.

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    Avoid sleeping on your side and rest your head higher than usual, and apply cold packs to areas that are swollen or bruised, in order to prevent further swelling for the first 48 hours after the surgery.
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    Clean the surgical wound with cotton buds and normal saline solution and take the prescribed medications.
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    Avoid heavy physical activity or any activity that could compromise the wound.
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    Cleaning of the face and wearing contact lens are acceptable 48 hours after the procedure.
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    Make up can be worn 24 hours after the procedure.


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    Sub-Brow Lift : It is a technique that removes excess or unwanted fat or skin from the upper eyelid area. It is good for patients that have already undergone an upper eyelid surgery, and still have sagging or excess fat or skin.

This procedure can be provided by
"Wansiri", "DGB CLINIC"